Stekjesruil - Graduation Project

Web application created during the Full Stack Development bootcamp at Codaisseur Academy Amsterdam.
Stekjesruil (translated from Dutch as cuttings swapping).My passion for plants led me to start organizing ‘Stekjesruil’ events. It is an event to swap plant cuttings, meet like-minded people, share and exchange ideas. It is organized each time at a different location in The Hague, The Netherlands.
For the Codaisseur Academy graduation project we had one week time to develop a Full Stack App of our choice. Because Stekjesruil is related to the idea of open source and sharing with each other, I tought it would be interested to make my project for it.
My goal was that through the website, plant enthusiasts should be informed about upcoming events, share information and plant cuttings, and be able to create an account. Unfortunately is one week to little time to be able to finish the whole project.
Improvements list, missing features:
Responsive design.
Subscribe as a member.
Plant cuttings swap system.
Edit options as the administrator.
Create (past) event photo albums with the use of Cloudenary.

The app is hosted on Netlify. You can take a look at (fictive) events and cuttings, login if you are a member.
Build with
React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
React i18next - Internationalization for React.
Redux - State container for JavaScript apps.
Axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js.
Sass - CSS with superpowers.
Express - Node.js web application framework.
Sequelize - Sequelize ORM is a promise-based Node.js ORM for Postgres.
PostgreSQL - PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system.
Bcrypt - A library to help you hash passwords.